Stop wasting time in your hunt for a home! HotPostcode is the new data-driven way to search for the perfect place to live in the UK. HotPostcode searches 1,730,000 postcodes in seconds to discover new places to live based on whats important to you. And its FREE!
For example try searching for postcodes that are 60 mins from London by train, with great schools, fast broadband near your favourite food shop. See your results on a map and drill down to individual postcodes. Access external websites quickly with a single touch to get even more information - like houses for sale in that postcode.
You can explore your favourites and look for the HotPostcodes you want to live in.
Then share that information with your friends or an estate agent to tell them exactly what you are looking for. Works with Facebook, Twitter, Sina Weibo, Tencent Weibo to help you ask your friends for advice too.
Or you can look up individual postcodes directly and even use HotPostcode on-the-go to get information on your current location.
HotPostcode contains schools, broadband, crime, landscape, food shopping, average house prices and many other data points. It knows the journey times to the major UK commuter cities.
Searching for a place to live has never been this comprehensive!